I just wanted to write to you to express my gratitude for the medical services that I received from your nurse through WhatsApp and e-
mails. The neurologist your directed me has been adorable and provided me with very clear and comprehensive explanations. My thanks are also addressed to you who contacted me originally. I am positively surprised by the warmth and personalized service provided.
I wish to thank you for the telephone assistance provided by the nurse of your service. My husband had heart failure since beginning of September and had been hospitalized for that reason in Spain. I had my first contact with the nurse just before our repatriation to France. Since then, she has constantly advised me. This is very important considering my poor knowledge in the medical field. I have greatly benefitted from her competence and advice. Furthermore, she has also provided me psychological support which was essential in this very difficult period and during which we had daily contacts and sometimes more. With my sincere thanks.
Thanks to your help Doctor, I have been able to solve several medical and administrative problems. M. XXX has been very present, professional, and human and has not hesitated to assist me throughout my various paperwork and administrative procedures. He has provided very useful advice and most of all showed great empathy. I have just received my ALD approval that I had been waiting for 4 months. Even my treating doctor did not know what to do… Therefore, I hereby want to thank the whole team as well as yourself for the research done to find an endocrinologist. As an insured person your assistance has been extremely efficient. I take this opportunity to wish you and your team my best wishes for the Xmas holidays.
At the eve of this new year, I wish to extend my gratitude for the medical assistance that I have benefitted from for the last three months. I have recently retired and found myself exhausted after having clearly neglected my health because of demanding and absorbing work and family lives. The start of the pandemic and my isolation placed me in an even more difficult situation that is when you appeared to propose this precious service. Doctor, I sincerely thank for the service you have set up, it is a godsend for persons like me. I hope you will be able to continue to assist me like you have done so far and I wish you an excellent 2021 year.
I would like to inform you that I am very satisfied with the medical pathway organized by you and your team. The opinions and conclusions of the doctors (from Institut Gustave
Roussy and American Hospital) of Paris involved in my medical pathway are very reassuring. Therefore, I thank you and your team for the services provided.
With this letter, my wife, son and I want to express our deepest gratitude for the service and assistance provided by your team throughout the sickness of our son. Your sense of duty and sympathy for our child greatly touched us. With your help, we better tackled the sickness and better understood the possible developments. Today, the hardest part is behind us and we have learned not only to accept but to also foresee the future in a different way. You have been supporting, faithful and understanding in all situations. Thanks to god and you team, our son feels much better today and can hope for a better life in the future. Furthermore, we want to share with you the progress of his health situation: he responds very positively to the treatment. His pedo-oncologist nevertheless recommends regular
controls. Again, thank you for all the help and efforts provided and above all for your patience during the hard times. With humanity and kindness, you have helped us understand that hope is not vain. Today, thanks to God and your team, we understand how much hope is important.
I am now back in Morocco and I want to thank the whole team which participated in my medical pathway. Your services were perfect in terms of reactivity, availability, be it in Casablanca or Paris. I would like to expand special thanks to M. XXXX for his humanity and assistance throughout the medical pathway and particularly for his availability late at night. Again, thank you!
With reference to our medical coverage Coup Dur and following our recent travel last week to France for medical appointments, XXX and I wish to extend our thanks to all the persons who contributed to the organisation of our travel and medical pathways. We wish to thank XXXX who made every effort to organize our appointment in a record time (especially that of my husband);
We wish to thank XXXX (the on-line coordinators, the taxi drivers in France and Morocco, the Kyriad Hotel staff, etc.) for their warm welcome and availability; We wish to thank XXXX from DENOS for his humility, his professionalism and availability; We wish to thank the doctors and nurses of both Pitié Salpétrière and George Pompidou Hospitals; Finally, we wish to thank XXXXX who coordinated and closely followed our files and thank XXXX for having allowed us to subscribe to such an insurance!